July 26, 2004

Love, War and Roommates: Welcome to My Home

Let there be no more roommate bloodshed in this world.

As was stated previously, I have two roommates, one is the slovenly, Republican-oriented gent who I'll hence forth refer to as "Bright Eyes"; the other soul is the eco-friendly, Democrat-leaning, proto-Seattlite who will from now on be known as "Oswald".

Both of these guys are currently dating girls, Bright Eyes has been dating the same girl for years now and Oswald just recently starting seeing someone for the first time in years. For some reason unknown to me, Bright Eyes has it out for Oswald's new lady friend. He wants to destroy her, well maybe not destroy her, but little by little he has made concerted efforts to undermine her, and Oswald's relationship with her. Though he will swear up and down that he likes her as a person, he has made it very clear to me that he is not happy with her actions and certain aspects of her personality.

Granted he has made some valid points when talking shit about her:
  1. She tends to leave her clothes, shoes and other belongings strewn about the house as if it were her own domicile.
  2. Oswald's girly tends to dictate his time in such a way that we either don't ever see him, or if we do she is always present. Which leads into point 3..
  3. She spends the night at our house every night.
  4. There have been times when the three of us have been hanging out, after we come back home, she has been waiting in the house prior to our arrival, and unbeknownst to myself or Bright Eyes.

I'm not going to lie, these are valid arguments for being upset with her, but she's been nothing but nice to the both of us. I chalk up most of these things as ignorance on her part as to what is acceptable behavior.

But ole Bright Eyes isn't so understanding. He'll accuse Oswald's girlfriend of stealing things, call her friends sluts to her face and basically insult any interest, activity and personality trait of hers in his general assault. He also has attempted to draw me into the fray by seeking my support in having a "sit down" with our buddy Oswald, which so far has yet to materialize (in large part to him never being alone). Being as crass as this to Oswald's lady isn't anything new to Bright Eyes, as you'll learn through future posts, he's the type of guy who doesn't hesitate to do anything for his friends as well as say fucked up personal insults about them in the presence of others. That's just how he rolls.

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